Sample Ophthalmology Practice

(555) 555-5555

Digital Devices

Blue light is part of the visible light spectrum. While excessive exposure to blue light from the sun without sunglasses can be harmful, the small amount of blue light from computers does not damage the eye.

There is no need to spend money on special blue light blocking eyeglasses. Instead, take short breaks while working on the computer, reduce evening screen time, and use lubricating eye drops. These changes can reduce digital eye strain and lead to a healthier sleep cycle.

With children spending more time on tablets or other devices, it’s important to develop a healthy family media use plan. Studies have shown that more than two hours of screen time per day in early childhood can increase the risk for ADHD, childhood obesity, and myopia (nearsightedness).

If you have any questions about your vision or your child’s vision, speak with your ophthalmologist. They are committed to protecting your sight.

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